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Chino Valley Released Time 
    Christian Education
 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
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About Chino Valley Released Time

Chino Valley Released Time Christian Education is a non-profit,  501c3 organization.   

We have been serving Chino Valley since 1998. We started with 2 schools and 11 children, and now have grown to all ALL 22 elementary schools and thousands of children.  We go to every elementary school in the Chino Unified School District! 

We are an all volunteer group of men and women who are security cleared and want to share the word of God with public school students.   We teach, and worship with 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders who have parent permission.  

In each school office we keep a drop box with permission slips t or you can download one from this site under "Permission Slips". Then have your child turn it in to our drop box in the school office.

Studies have shown that as adults whom had attended Released Time in elementary school show: 

        Involvement and development in school and in the         community

        Improved academic literacy skills

        Improved relationships with family and friends

        Stronger self confidence and regard for others

        Reduction in risk-taking behavior

        Positive coping skills for a variety of life situations

        A greater connection to God, leading to a stronger         understanding of life and a greater self purpose 

Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the youngest signers of the Declaration of Independence, physician, scientist, and treasurer of the U.S. Mint from 1797 to 1813 under President John Adams, wrote:

“I believe no man was ever early instructed in the truths of the Bible without having been made wiser or better, by the early operation of these impressions upon his mind." 
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